Easter is one of the sweetest holidays to celebrate. Due to the pandemic, we spent the last two Easters at home, which was nice because we missed out on some of our usual Easter traditions (like a big neighborhood egg hunt). We'll be spending the holiday at home again this year, on purpose. A small family dinner can be planned around your usual Easter activities, such as church services and Easter egg hunts, rather than a large multi-family brunch or elaborate dessert spread. Even if you're celebrating at home, you can still go all out. Try these kid-friendly activities at home to celebrate: Produce a festive Easter basket, prepare a traditional brunch recipe, and dye Easter eggs.
During the Easter season, you can pick up an egg painting kit at nearly any supermarket. Decorate some hard-boiled eggs with your kids for the Easter holidays.
In most cases, you use different colors of dye in different cups. In order to add color, the eggs are dipped in the dye. Eggs can be dyed with shaving cream or watercolors if you want to get creative.
It's a good idea for your kids to wear old clothes while decorating eggs. It can get a little crazy.
The Easter egg hunt is a traditional part of the holiday. Eggs decorated by children can be hidden in plain sight. Filling plastic eggs with treats and hiding them around the house is another option.
If you choose plastic eggs, you can provide healthier snacks like Cheerios and pretzels. Paper Bible verses in plastic eggs are common in religious households.
To ensure that all the eggs are found, keep a running tally of where you've hidden them. For real eggs, this is especially important, as they will eventually begin to rot.
There are a number of large Easter egg hunts organized by local communities or organizations that you and your family can participate in. Check your neighborhood for an Easter egg hunt.
An important part of the Easter celebration is putting together Easter baskets. A basket full of Easter goodies is a wonderful surprise for young children. During the holiday season, department stores sell baskets. Fill them with candy and small toys like tin cans.
Consider including plastic eggs with Bible verses tucked inside if you're a religious person.
Innocent-sounding munchies are perfectly acceptable. Put fresh fruit in their Easter baskets if you want them to have a healthy snack.
You can also provide small toys, such as tiny plastic animals or small plush toys, instead of food-based items.
Children look forward to seeing the Easter bunny every year. Create bunny-shaped baked goods. This is a great way to get kids excited for Halloween. Sugar cookies in the shape of bunnies can be made with a rabbit cookie cutter.
Make three cinnamon rolls. Cut one in half and join the other two to make a snowman body. Make bunny ears by placing the two halves of the cinnamon roll near one end of the roll, and then decorate your bunny in white with cream cheese frosting. There are two options for eyeballs: chocolate chips or blueberries.
Decorating for the holidays is a favorite pastime for many children. Invest in inexpensive trinkets at a discount or dollar store near you. Online craft tutorials are another option. Construction paper or felt can be used to make chicks and bunnies, for example.
Using window stickers with young children is a great way for them to have fun and express themselves.
Use cardboard paper to make placemats for your Easter brunch or dinner for your kids to decorate.
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