Beginning the world of credit cards can be intimidating if you don't have much of a credit history or a high credit score. Fortunately, there are credit cards designed for those just starting out, and many of them will approve you even if you have only fair, bad, or no credit at all.
One-time offer of one hundred dollars in cash when you make purchases totaling one hundred dollars within the first three months of opening an account.
You can earn 3% cash back on an unlimited amount of spending at grocery stores, restaurants, popular streaming services, and entertainment venues. Get a cash back bonus of 1% on all other types of purchases.
Discover is offering a 100% cash back match on all cash back earned during the introductory period. All of your first year's Rewards cash back from Discover will be doubled at the end of your first year.
Up to the quarterly maximum, you can get 5% cash back on purchases made at places like, grocery stores, restaurants, and gas stations. Get 1% back on all other purchases forever.
After making 12 on-time monthly payments, you will be eligible to earn up to 1.5% cash back on eligible purchases. Immediately get 1% cash back on purchases that qualify for this offer. At participating retailers, you can get 2% to 10% cash back on your purchases.
Earn 1% Cash Back on all purchases made with your Deserve EDU Mastercard and get a free year of Amazon Prime Student ($59 value) after spending $500 in the first three billing cycles. As soon as you're approved, your cash back earnings will initiate immediately.
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